How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes Properly

Hi everyone!

I, for one, love reading makeup blogs with tutorials, so I decided to do another one of my own! Makeup brushes can get so dirty, and cleaning them is such a hassle, especially off you don’t know how to clean them properly! Read on for a simple, quick brush cleaning tutorial!

Step One: Get a makeup brush, some brush cleaner (I use Coastal Scents Brush Shampoo), and a sink or a cupful of water.


Step Two: Pour a quarter size amount of brush cleaner or baby shampoo (something gentle) into your hand.


Step 3: Wet the brush and swirl it around in the soap.


Step 4: Run water on your hand and swirl the brush around again until all the soap and makeup is off/out of the brush, being sure to avoid wetting the place the bristles go into the stem.


Step 5: Rub or pat the brush on a towel, then dry upside-down or sideways. Don’t set the brush right-side-up until it is mostly dry, as it will wet the glue that holds the brush together, causing it to fall apart, or it will just not dry fully (which causes mold).


As you can see, the brush doesn’t have any remnants of foundation in/on it anymore! This routine only takes a minute or two, plus drying time. You can use this routine for sponges, too, just substitute the swirling motion for a squeezing motion – rub in soap and water, then squeeze out the soap and water repeatedly until the sponge is fully clean.

How do you clean your makeup brushes and sponges? What cleanser do you use? Did this help you out? Let me know in the comments!

P.S. – Keep an eye out for my (very late) December favorites post, coming later this week!




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